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In the midst of insane carnage in Texas HuffPost attacks Second Amendment and conservatives over gun control. Alzheimer’s Association is a top advertiser at HuffPost.

See email prepared below to send to Alzheimer’s Association officials.

Post a message:  https://www.facebook.com/actionalz/

Less than 24 hours after a very mentally challenged teenager took the lives of 21 innocent people in Texas HuffPost attacked the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and conservatives over gun control. 

Here are a few headlines from the May 25th edition of HuffPost:


GOP Senators Say 19 Dead Kids Not Enough To Reconsider Gun Control

Republicans Not Sure Why America Has So Many Gun Deaths

Huffpost.com routinely publishes many venomous articles that inflame negative attitudes towards Christians, Jews, American troops, police and white people.  These articles certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.  HuffPost publishes dangerous Islamist propaganda that has defended misogynistic Sharia law, defended the Muslim Brotherhood, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations, blamed Christians for worldwide conflict with Muslims, promoted an anti-Semitic blog and encouraged Islamist demagoguery.  Examples of HuffPost's vitriolic, leftist hate and twenty five examples of Islamist propaganda articles are posted here at this floridafamily.org article.

The Florida Family Association office has sent numerous emails to encourage Alzheimer's Association officials to stop advertising at HuffPost over the past two months.  However, the organization continues to advertise.

The Alzheimer's Association certainly has the right to advertise in whatever forum it chooses. You have the same right to voice concern regarding the content on such forums and choose to support organizations that will not spend your donation dollars supporting leftist hate and Islamist propaganda.

1,936 out of 1,960 companies have stopped advertising on Huffpost.com as of September 30, 2022.  We must keep the pressure on HuffPost advertisers especially now that BuzzFeed reports just how financially week the company is.  BuzzFeed acquired HuffPost on February 16, 2021.  BuzzFeed's CEO, Jonah Peretti makes it clear in this March 9, 2021 HuffPost article that HuffPost faces hard financial hurdles:  "HuffPost’s losses totaled around $20 million in 2020.  Though BuzzFeed is a profitable company, we don’t have the resources to support another two years of losses.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Alzheimer's Association officials to stop supporting Huffpost.com's leftist hate and Islamist propaganda with its donors’ money.

Click here to send your email to Alzheimer’s Association(For Gmail.com, Hotmail.com, Msn.com, live.com and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)

Click here to send your email to Alzheimer’s Association.  (For Yahoo.com, Comcast.net and other IPS that limit the number of email addresses to one.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to Alzheimer’s Association.  (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

This email will open in your email browser because Alzheimer’s Association appears to be deferring normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Please stop spending donor money on this wokester and hate mongering website.

Suggested content:

I am very concerned that Alzheimer's Association advertises at HuffPost which routinely publishes many venomous articles that inflame negative attitudes towards Christians, Jews, American troops, police and white people.  These articles certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.  HuffPost publishes dangerous Islamist propaganda that has defended misogynistic Sharia law, defended the Muslim Brotherhood, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations and wrongfully blamed Christians for worldwide conflict with Muslims.

Email String separated by commas


Email String separated by semicolons


Contact information:

Harry Johns, CEO

Joanne Pike, Dr PH, President

Michael Carson, CMO

Richard Hovland, COO


Author: ffa   00000000   Category: HuffPost  FFA: on
Tags: Second Amendment, gun control

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