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Goodyear training material favors Black Lives Matter while disparaging Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. Goodyear explicitly empowers employee support for racial equity while giving lip service to law enforcement.

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WIBW reportsGoodyear responds to zero-tolerance policy slide labeled by employee as discriminatory

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - A Goodyear employee says the company has put out a new policy that has some calling it not equal for all.
A photo seen circulating on social media shows a slide that was presented during a diversity training showing what’s acceptable and what isn’t acceptable as part of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company’s zero-tolerance policy.

Under acceptable: Black Lives Matter (BLM), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride.

Listed as unacceptable: Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, MAGA Attire, Political Affiliated Slogans or Material.

Goodyear issued a statement in response to the public outing of the grossly biased visual.  That statement is fully included in the above article but states in part:

“First, the visual in question was not created or distributed by Goodyear corporate, nor was it part of a diversity training class.   To be clear on our longstanding corporate policy, Goodyear has zero tolerance for any forms of harassment or discrimination,” the statement continued. “To enable a work environment free of those, we ask that associates refrain from workplace expressions in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party, as well as similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of racial justice and equity issues.”

Please note that Goodyear’s statement:

•    does NOT state who created or distributed the visual and what is being done to correct it.
•    does NOT state that the visual was NOT authorized by any level of the company or one of its agencies.
•    qualifying it was not part of a diversity training class could be nothing more than more double speak.
•    explicitly allow employee workplace expressions that “advocate racial justice and equity issues.”  
•    does not explicitly allow employee workplace expressions supporting law enforcement and the thousands of American families   
         that have been victimized by BLM and/or Antifa violence, destruction of property and personal injury.  All Lives Matter.

It is outrageous that Goodyear corporate explicitly condones employee support for Black Lives Matter’s “racial justice and equity issues” but does not explicitly allow employee expressions of support for Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter.

Thousands of police officers have been the victims of Black Lives Matter and/or Antifa violence.  

Numerous law enforcement officers have died from riot violence and ambushes.

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization with goals of radically changing the American way of life starting with its stated goal of defunding police departments nationwide and destabilizing public safety.

Tens of thousands of law enforcement families live in daily fear of losing a loved one to radical leftists or losing their family’s livelihood.

If Black Lives Matter is successful in its Marxist mission the safety and welfare of millions of America families will suffer severely.

Fox News reports:  Trump calls for Goodyear boycott after reported ban on MAGA gear for workers, company responds  

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to Goodyear.

Click here to send your email to Goodyear(For Gmail, Yahoo and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to Goodyear (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

This email will open in your email browser because Goodyear is deferring normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

I will remember Goodyear leftist intolerance when shopping for tires.

Suggested content:

I am very disappointed that Goodyear explicitly condones employee support for Black Lives Matter racial justice and equity issues but does not explicitly allow employee expressions of support for Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter.  Thousands of law enforcement families fear losing a loved one to radical leftists or losing their family livelihood.  Supporting Black Lives Matter with its Marxist agenda is irresponsible, un-American.   I will remember your leftist intolerance and doublespeak when shopping for tires.

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Contact information: 

Richard J. Kramer
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President    

Steve McClellan
President, Americas

Laura Duda
Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer    

Author: ffa   20200820   Category: Black Lives Matter  FFA: on
Tags: Goodyear

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