This issue is so important that Florida Family Association is providing several means for you to communicate with President Trump. |
Family Association mailed a letter on January 27, 2017 to President Donald Trump which stated in part: “Dear President Trump, We respectfully request that you conduct an investigation based upon the following facts and other intelligence to determine if the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) should be designated as a terrorist organization.” The letter contained numerous facts regarding the Council on American Islamic Relations. Some of these facts are stated below.
This issue is so important that Florida Family Association is providing several methods for you to communicate with President Trump.
PLEASE TAKE ACTION USING AT LEAST TWO OF THE FOLLOWING COMMUNICATION METHODS to encourage President Trump to determine if CAIR should be designated as a terrorist organization:
• WHITE HOUSE CONTACT LINK: Click here https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/#page to send a message to President Trump. Suggested message: I respectfully request that you conduct an investigation to determine if the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) should be designated as a terrorist organization. The United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations as one of 83 banned terrorist organizations on November 15, 2014. Many Council on American Islamic Relations officials have been sentenced to prison and/or deported for supporting terrorism. These CAIR officials include: Ghassan Elashi - founder of CAIR’s Texas chapter, Mousa Abu Marzook, Randall Royer - CAIR’s former civil rights coordinator, Bassem Khafagi - CAIR’s former community relations director, Rabih Haddad - a former CAIR fundraiser, Siraj Wahhaj - CAIR’s advisory board member, Muthanna Al-Hanooti - former head of CAIR's Michigan branch and Nabil Sadoun - a former CAIR board member. Numerous CAIR officials have defended terrorists. In 2007, the United States Department of Justice named CAIR as “unindicted co-conspirators” in a criminal conspiracy to financially support Hamas in United States vs Holy Land Foundation. In 2014, then Attorney General Eric Holder refused to turn over to Congress the Department of Justice’s documents regarding the Council on American Islamic Relations in the United States vs Holy Land Foundation terrorist prosecution. Attorney General Eric Holder gave the documents to the Council on American Islamic Relations. Many CAIR leaders proclaim support for Hamas and Islamic imperialism over the United States. CAIR is working hard to make Sharia law legal in the United States. Sharia law is antithetical to the rights afforded all Americans under the United States Constitution.
• USPS MAIL: Click here to print a letter and mail to President Trump. Place the letter in an envelope or print the two sided letter with the address on one side, fold and mail.
• FACEBOOK: Facebook your request to President Trump at https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump Suggested message: Please investigate to determine if CAIR should be designated as a terrorist organization.
• TWITTER: Tweet your request to President Trump at https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump Use the Tweet to Donald Trump button in the top left column. Suggested Tweet: Please investigate to determine if CAIR should be designated as a terrorist organization.
Based upon the following record, there have been NO indictments, arrests or deportations of any CAIR official involving terrorism for the past seven years. Does this mean that all CAIR officials followed the law for all seven years? Or does it most likely mean the Obama administration dropped all investigation of CAIR just like they did of all mosques and Muslims? The Obama administration had prohibited the FBI from surveilling mosques since 2011.
In 1995, Mousa Abu Marzook, a former CAIR official, was designated as a “terrorist and Hamas leader” by the U.S. government. He now is a Hamas leader in Syria.
In 1995, Siraj Wahhaj, CAIR’s advisory board member, was named as one of the "unindicted persons who may be alleged as co-conspirators" in the attempt to blow up New York City monuments.
In 2003, Bassem Khafagi, CAIR’s former community relations director, was arrested for involvement with the Islamic Assembly of North America, which was linked to al-Qaida. After pleading guilty to visa and bank fraud charges, Khafagi was deported.
In 2003, Rabih Haddad, a former CAIR fundraiser, was deported for his work with the Global Relief Foundation (which he co-founded), a terror-financing organization.
In 2004, Randall Royer, CAIR’s former civil rights coordinator, began serving a 20-year prison sentence for aiding al-Qaida and the Taliban against American troops in Afghanistan and recruiting for Lashkar e-Taiba, the jihadist group responsible for the 2008 Mumbai jihad massacres.
In 2007, the United States Department of Justice named CAIR and two other Islamic organizations as “unindicted co-conspirators” in a criminal conspiracy to support Hamas financially in United States vs Holy Land Foundation.
In 2008, Muthanna Al-Hanooti, 48, the former head of CAIR's Michigan branch, was arrested in 2008 at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport on return from the Middle East. The 14-page indictment presents five counts against him: conspiring to act as an agent of the Iraqi government, violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, and three false statements to the FBI.
In February 2010, Nabil Sadoun of Dallas, a former CAIR board member, was deported from the United States on the orders of Judge Anthony Rogers of the Executive Office for Immigration Review in connection with U.S. government accusations that he had ties to terrorist groups.
In 2014, then Attorney General Eric Holder refused to turn over to Congress the Department of Justice’s documents regarding the Council on American Islamic Relations in the United States vs Holy Land Foundation terrorist prosecution. Attorney General Eric Holder gave the documents to the Council on American Islamic Relations.
On January 1, 2017, CAIR leader Imraan Siddique called on President Obama to pardon Muslims convicted in the largest Islamic terrorism financing trial in American history, United States vs Holy Land Foundation.
Here are more reasons why President Trump should consider designating CAIR as a terrorist organization:
* The United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 banned terrorist organizations on November 15, 2014.
* Omar Ahmad, Chairman and founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations, told a Muslim crowd "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." At the Islamic Association of Palestine’s third annual convention in Chicago in November 1999, Omar Ahmad gave a speech at a youth session praising suicide bombers who kill themselves for Islam. "Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam — that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam," he said.
* Nihad Awad, CAIR Executive Director, said "I am in support of the Hamas" movement.
* Mustafa Carroll, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth CAIR branch, told a crowd at a Muslim rally in Austin, Texas in 2013 "If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land."
* A complete list is posted here.