260 out of 275 companies (95%) have stopped advertising.
Al Jazeera, whose leaders spew hate for Israel, who showed disdain for Paris murder victims, is a news company that is owned by the non-democratic, monarch styled emirate of Qatar who allows wealthy citizens to financially support ISIS, supports the Muslim Brotherhood, backs the head of Hamas, espouses Islamic Sharia law and does not afford citizens freedom of the press.
Adweek.com reported on April 28, 2015: Two Al Jazeera America executives voluntarily resigned after Matthew Luke filed a lawsuit against Al Jazeera America and Osman Mahmud, vice president at the network. Luke claimed Mahmud created a hostile work environment and was prone to “making discriminatory, anti-Semitic and anti-American remarks such as ‘whoever supports Israel should die a fiery death in hell.'”
The Washington Times reported on December 10, 2014 Qatar allows money to flow to Islamic State, other terrorists. “Qatar-based terror finance challenges have metastasized into a pressing, world-class crisis,” states the report by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, warning the flow of money from private individuals in the Persian Gulf nation is likely only to continue without a “serious change in U.S. policy.”
Fox News reported on January 10, 2015 Leaked Al Jazeera emails reveal disdain for Paris murder victims. “Defending freedom of expression in the face of oppression is one thing; insisting on the right to be obnoxious and offensive just because you can is infantile,” wrote Khadr, quoting Time magazine, as he urged Al Jazeera staffers to consider that “I am Charlie” is an “alienating slogan – with us or against us type of statement – one can be anti-CH’s racism and ALSO against murdering people.”
The are many more reasons why Corporate America should not spend United States' consumer dollars with Al Jazeera America. Click here to read more.
Why is it important to vigorously challenge American companies not to advertise with Al Jazeera America?
* No other company poses a larger threat for the most American companies to start doing business with Islamist companies.
* The news media does influence the political positions of the public. The Islamist political positions held by Al Jazeera officials and/or owner, especially those positions summarized below, pose a threat to changing American public policy that has protected life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
* American companies that acquire advertising with Al Jazeera America are giving United States consumer dollars to an Islamist Sharia minded regime.
* Eighty one percent of respondents to Al Jazeera survey say they support ISIS.
Florida Family Association tapes ten hours of programing on Al Jazeera America every day. The Florida Family Association office communicates with each advertiser no less than once per week. Top advertisers are strategically featured one at a time because there are so few of them.
Two hundred nine (209) companies stopped advertising on Al Jazeera America after the Florida Family Association office communicated with the companies’ CEOs and Marketing VPs. Fifty one (51) companies stopped advertising on Al Jazeera America after being profiled in Florida Family Association email campaigns. The linked companies listed below are the companies that were profiled with online campaigns. The links connect to the appropriate Floridafamily.org articles. The following two hundred sixty (260) companies stopped advertising on Al Jazeera America after receiving emails of concern from the Florida Family Association office or thousands of Florida Family Association supporters.
21st Century Insur. Co.
A Place for Mom (Warburg Pincus)
ABC network promotions
Acorn Stairlifts, Inc.
Actegy Health – Revitive
Addiction Recovery Network
Alert USA Emergency Response Organization
Allstar Products (Buyperfectpancake.com,Getforevercomfy.com, Sidesocket.com)
American Addiction Centers
American International Group
AmeriStar Tax Center
Amgen (Enbrel)
Anthony Huffman (Approvedcolleges.com)
Arniso Trymigralex.com
Arriva Medical
Athena Health
Atlantic Coast Media Group (Hydroxatone, Keranique)
Audi Global Enterprises (Jidue)
Beachbody LLC – Derm
Binder and Binder Law Firm
Blue Buffalo (True Blue Test)
Blue Tax
Calls Direct LLC (The Tax Resolvers)
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Career Education Corporation (Le Cordon Bleu College)
CareZen, Inc.
CashAmerica International, Inc. (Cashnetusa.com)
CBC Funding
Certified Financial Planner Board (Letsmakeaplan.com)
Christopher and Diana Reeve Foundation
Christian Faith Publishing
Chrysler Corporation (Dodge Dart, Fiat)
Citizens Disability Helpline
Clear Choice Dental Implant
Community Tax
Connect America (Medical Alert)
Consolidated Credit Counseling Services
Consumer Cellular (Exclusively at AARP)
Craftmatic Adjustable Beds
Credit Kharma
Custom Ink (Trycustomink.com)
Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster)
Davis & Crump
De Agostini (Model-space.com)
DeVry University
DineEquity - Applebees
Direct Holdings Americas, Inc. (Wolfgang Puck)
Direct Insurance
Doctors without Borders
Dollar Shave
Dr. Pepper (A&W Rootbeer, Dr. Pepper)
DreamBrands MDrive
E. Mishan & Sons (Bell & Howell Torch Light)
Earth School Educational Foundation(Carbonnationamovie.com)
eHealth Services - Medicare.com
EncoreDental (Ageon USA, Inc.)
Endless Pools
EPA Noattacks.org
Exceptional Products, Inc. (Getcellens.com)
Fast Auto Loans, Inc.
Feeding America
Fernando Becattini (Getneaterneeder.com)
Ferrer, Poirot & Wansbrough - Xarelto Alert
Fidelity Life Association
Fitness Made Simple
Flex Belt
Foster Grant
General Electric USA Network promotion
General Mills (Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Fiber One, Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamed Vegetables, Honey Nut Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Nature Valley Crunchy Granola, Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, Pillsbury Grand Biscuits, Pillsbury Toaster Strudel, Progresso Soup, Totino’s Pizza, Trix, Yoplait)
Girls, Inc.
Globe Life & Accident Insurance Company
Global TV Concepts - Jeaneez
Global Wireless Entertainment (Skinit.com)
Google APP
Greenlight Financial Services
Guthy-Renker Corp. (Proactiv)
Habitat for Humanity
Hampton Direct (Chillow, WaxVac)
Hartford Insurance
Harvest Direct (Buycuttingedge.com, Go Go Pillow)
Healingsmith (Eczenil)
HealthMarkets, Inc.
Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. (AccuCheck)
Home Box Office (Strikeback on Cinemax)
Home Delivery Incontinent Supplies Company (HDIS.COM)
Honda North America
Hubbard Media Group (Reelz.com)
Human Society (Theshelterproject.org)
IAC/InterActive Corp. (Blackpeoplemeet.com)
iCan Benefit
Ideastream Consumer Products (Buymagictape.com)
IdeaVillage (Copper Fit) (Microtouch Max personal trimmer)
Identity Protect One
Injury Helpline (RW Lynch)
Ilva Saronna SPA(Disaronno)
Invent Help
ITT Tech
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)
Jacoby & Myers Mass Torts
Jay Mebane (Getthunderleash.com)
JD Mellberg Financial
Jennifer Williams (bringchange2mind.org
Johnson & Johnson (Rogaine, Skinid)
JP Morgan Chase (Chase Ink)
Jeffrey Slakter Esq.
Khan Academy
Kiva Microfunds
Kowa Corp. (Okinawa Life)
Lakeview Health
LaserSpine Institute
Lasik Institute
Lawyers Works
Liberator Medical Holdings (TVcath.com)
Life Alert
Lifestyle Lift
Little Caesar
Marvel Enterprises, Inc. (X-Men Destiny)
Matrix Direct Life Insurance
Merck & Co.
Mercy Ships
MGA Entertainment Little Tikes
Microsoft (Bing)
Mr. Lid
Mustang Group (Vermont Teddy Bear Co.)
NAC Marketing (Superbeta, Ageless Male)
Nationstar Mortgage LLC (Greenlightloans.com)
National Collector’s Mint
National Express - Xhose
National Fire Protection Association (Fireadapted.org)
National Media Connection (National Tax Help Center)
National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (Fatherhood.gov)
National Solar Experts
National Urban League (Putourchildren1st.org)
NBC network promotion
Neat Company
Nestle (Gerber Life Insurance Company)
News Corp. (The Following)
Northland Fulfillment Inc - HydroMousse
Oasis Legal Finance LLC
OnDeck Capital
Ontel Products Corp. (Big Vision, Glow candles)
Open Jar Concepts (The Sentinel Group)
Optimum Student Solutions
Paralyzed Veterans of America
PennyMac Loan Services
Perillo Tours
Personal Capital
Phillips and Associates Parilman Law Firm
Plymouth Direct (Beactivebrace.com)
PMA Media Group (Degree Solutions)
Poultry KandNs.com
Procter & Gamble (Gillette, Head and Shoulders)
Q.E.P., Inc. (Getinstagrip.com)
Quicken Loans
Radiancy (Trynono, Trykyro.com)
Range Rover
Reckitt Benckiser, plc (Airwick, Cepacol, Clearasil, Delsym, Finish, Finish Power Up, Lime Away, Lysol, Mucinex, Resolve Bright and White, Resolve Easy Clean, Rid X, Scalpicin and Woolite),
REVShare (Alliedmedicalsupplynetwork.com, Cpaphelpline.com, Medicalsupplyhelpline.com, Relion Group Pradaxa Warning)
Rust Consulting (SourceHOV's DramClaim.com)
Rosetta Stone
Safe Step Walk-In Tub Company
Samsung Electronics (Galaxy Note 10.1, Galaxy Camera)
Scion (Toyota)
Scripps Networks (Food Network promotion)
Select Quote
Senior Life Insur. Company
Shakespeare Co. LLC (Pivotrim.com)
Shell Oil
Shire, Inc. (Keepmomming.com)
Signature Tax
Simplex Healthcare (Diabetescareclub.com)
St. Jude Children’s Hospital
Stop IRS Debt
State Farm
Steve Tolman (Buyeazycovers.com)
Studio Maderna (Dormeo)
Supragenix LLC - CB1 weight gainer
Swift Maintenance (Flex Seal)
Swiss American Trading Corporation
TD Ameritrade
Telebrands (Dump Cakes, Zip Sox, Grab Bag)
The Economist
The Addiction Advisor
The Addiction Network
The Nation
The Weather Channel Reel Rivals promotion
ThermoSpas, Inc.
Time Warner (We are the Millers)
TriStar Products (Copper New)
Turner Broadcasting (CNN promos)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Hiring Our Heros)
United Benefits Direct
U.S. Department of Energy (EnergySavers.gov)
U.S. Health and Human Services
United States Marine Corps
U.S. Medical
Vapore (Trymypuremist.com)
Viacom (Centric network, Star Trek into
Darkness, World War Z)
World Wildlife Fund (Earthhour.org)
Wounded Warrior Project
YMT Vacations
There are currently fifteen (15) companies advertising on Al Jazeera America on a regular basis. Florida Family Association gives new advertisers two weeks to respond to communications regarding their ads before including them in the currently advertising category. The company names that are linked below have active articles with action emails prepared to be sent to officials. Simply click on the link to read the article and click on the email link in the article to send the prepared email which you may also edit.
Air Time Media - Kneebracetv.com
CareOne Credit Counseling
Direct Insurance (has no web presence)
Family Financial Education Foundation
Graze Nature Delivered
James C. Ferrell, PC
Marketing & Media Services LLC - Dwighttheknight.com
National Debt Relief
OIC Tax Services
Page Publishing
Pulaski Law Firm (TVM Advocates)
SAS Group – Dutch Glow
The Sentinel Group
US Healthcare Supply - Vertaloc
Wall & Associates
Most of these small companies buy unwanted advertising time in bulk from multiple channels. These ad purchases are commonly referred to as remnant advertising which is unsold advertising from multiple channels. This means the vast majority of Al Jazeera America’s advertising is being purchased for dimes on the dollar.
Many of these advertisers are so small and have had so many ads run for so long that it appears that Al Jazeera America is giving away the ad space. Very small companies that have had ads run for close to a year include: Back Brace, Coast One Financial, Dutch Glow, Graze Delivered, Knee Brace.
Nearly half of Al Jazeera America's advertising time is devoted to Al Jazeera America self promotions and Ad Council or non-profit free advertising. Al Jazeera America advertises their other shows on each program and airs numerous self promotions. Many non-profit organizations have stopped advertising on Al Jazeera America even though they did not pay for the time. Current Ad Council and non-profit promotions include:
ALS Foundation
American Red Cross
Child Fund
Habitat for Humanity
Make A Wish Foundation
Mercy Ships
Shire, Inc. – Keepmomming.com.
Trust for Public Land
United Nations Refugee Agency
United Way (LiveUnited.org)
These non-profit organizations do not pay for advertising.
There have been no recent counter network promotions. Florida Family Association contacted ABC, Fox, NBC and VIACOM regarding cross promotion on Al Jazeera America many months ago. No media companies have cross promoted their network on Al Jazeera America in many months.