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New House leadership plans to protect Americans needs encouragement and thanks given leftist opposition.


Click here to send your email to thank House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan for their plans to protect Americans from destructive, inequitable leftist policy and to encourage them to stand their ground.

Sadly, the biggest threat to our Republic and “liberty for all” is the hard left policies of the Democratic Party.

Republicans won control of the Unites States House of Representatives during the November 2022 election.  Although the Speaker of the House has not been officially approved it is important to start expressing support for some of the actions that the new leadership is proposing especially given the left’s plans to oppose conservatives. 

News broke on November 17, 2022 that “David Brock was leaving Media Matters to work with Biden on fighting GOP congressional investigation.”   Biden is employing hard left expertise to pressure and intimidate conservatives in congress.  It is important to counter leftist pressure and intimidation by thanking and encouraging conservative members of congress and new leaders in the House of Representatives to stand their ground on plans to protect Americans from destructive, inequitable leftist policy.

Most if not all of the new House proposals will fail to garner the votes needed to pass in the United States Senate.  This means the House will have to use its “power of the purse” through government funding bills to accomplish certain goals.

The new House of Representatives leadership has proposed the following actions to protect American’s from destructive, inequitable leftist policies:

·         House Minority Leader Kevin “McCarthy calls on Mayorkas to resign or potentially face impeachment inquiry: 'Enough is enough' House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy on November 22, 2022 called for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to resign over his handling of the migrant crisis at the southern border – or potentially face an impeachment inquiry when Republicans take control of the House next year.”  Fox News reports

·         Representative James Comer announced an intense investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling and suspicious business transactions.  House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky) issued a press release on November 17, 2022 titled “Comer: Biden Family’s Influence Peddling Threatens National Security.”  Comer also released an interim report, “A President Compromised: The Biden Family Investigation,” which explains evidence about President Biden’s involvement in his family’s business schemes.         

·         House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan announced an intense investigation into the United States Department of Justice, United States Attorney General and FBI bias that favors Democrats and excessively punishes conservatives and people of faith.  Fox News published a report titled “Jordan seeks testimony from Garland, Wray, others in House Judiciary probes of DOJ, FBI.”  Attorney General Merrick Garland’s gross failure to address the crime epidemic across this country all the while he is devoting time to political persecution of Americans who criticize the transgender agenda which is chemically castrating boys, mutilating the genitals of children and removing the breasts from young girls.  Garland is going after people who peacefully protested abortion or politically supported Donald Trump while ignoring serious crimes of Democrat allies.  FBI Director Christopher Wray is allowing his department to be used as an extension of the political arm of the Democratic Party to intimidate parents who lawfully exercise their First Amendment Rights to protest Critical Race Theory and Gender Identity Politics at school board meetings.  

·         House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said immediately after Republicans won control of the House of Representatives that one of the first actions that they would take would be to counter the 87,000 new IRS agents Biden wants to sic on (conservative) Americans.  Republicans have already sponsored the IRS Funding Accountability Act (S. 5100) which would require the IRS to provide an annual plan on how it would spend the IRA money, allowing Congress to void it with a simple majority vote in both chambers.   S. 5100 is not likely to garner the 60 votes needed for approval in the senate.  “I think we oughta fight an epic, knock-down, drag-out fight over stopping the Democrats from funding 87,000 new IRS agents,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said the second week of November on his podcast, as first flagged by Politico. “To do that, we will have to draw a line in the sand and say, ‘We will not fund them’…The only way to do it is on a government funding bill.” 

Senator Ted Cruz makes it very clear that the most important weapon to stopping the destructive policies of the left is to cut them on government funding bills.  In addition to cutting funding for the IRS’s 87,000 new agents it might go well to cut funding from the FBI’s and DOJ’s enforcement division budgets to reign in abuse of power.

Blocking government funding to stop harmful leftist programs and fighting to expose the destructive, inequitable policies of leftists through hearings are very important.  However, it is just as important if not more important that the new congress pass bills to show the American people what values the GOP has as its priority even if the senate ignores the legislation.  The new House needs to show what the GOP stands for as well as what it stands against.

There are and will be plenty of other actions that the new house leadership will pursue.  Florida Family Association will attempt to prepare similar online campaigns to this one to thank the new house leadership for the future actions they take and encourage them to stand strong through to the end.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to thank House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan for their plans to protect Americans from destructive, inequitable leftist policyand to encourage them to stand their ground.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to thank House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan for their plans to protect Americans from destructive, inequitable leftist policy and to encourage them to stand their ground.

Contact information

US Representative Kevin McCarthy
Dan Meyer, Chief of Staff

US Representative James Comer
Caroline Cash, Chief of Staff

US Representative Jim Jordan
Kevin Eichinger, Chief of Staff

Author: ffa   20221204   Category: Equal protection under the law  FFA: on

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