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2,550 companies stopped advertising at Huffpost.com after being urged to pull off the website because it promotes transgender reassignment, critical race theory, vitriol towards millions of Americans and the Islamist political agenda.
Report date as of March 31, 2024. Reports updated quarterly. more...

Has HuffPost become a mouthpiece for Hamas? Envision Outdoor Living Products is new top advertiser at HuffPost.

NAIA College athletics organization bans trans athletes from participating in womens sports at 249 colleges.

Joy Reid attacks white Christian voters AGAIN by gaslighting her audience about the white Christian nationalism false narrative. Splenda sweetener is a new top advertiser on The ReidOut.
Heartland Food Products Group owns Splenda. more...

Please thank JK Rowling for defending genuine women’s rights and the rights of children in the face of encroachment by aggressive trans activists.

448 out of 528 companies have stopped advertising on The ReidOut, Joy Reid on MSNBC, because of its anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and anti-white program content.
Report date as of February 29, 2024 more...

HuffPost continues to gaslight readers with leftist lies to influence elections. Land Rover is a new top advertiser at HuffPost.

Good News Congress included one year UNRWA funding ban in budget bill bad news Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer attacked Netanyahu for wanting to completely destroy Hamas.

Abacus Life ads support Joy Reid anti-white racism, border gaslighting and anti-Semitism.

Michigan Islamist Scholar promises Jihad on US infidels when Muslims get stronger.
Video photo from The Middle East Media Research Institute. more...

The Farmers Dog is a new top advertiser on The ReidOut the most racist anti white program on television.

Huffpost parent company, BuzzFeed, is tanking financially. We need to keep pressure on companies that spend advertising money on HuffPost vitriolic, leftist propaganda. Orthofeet is new top advertiser.

Jordanian man allegedly threatens Jewish couple with a dagger. Law enforcement must prosecute Mohamed Al Saccal to the fullest extent of the law to foster greater safety for the Jewish people.
Islamic Jihad movement symbol. Was Mohamed’s assault homage for Ramadan? more...

Oreo sponsorship of PFLAG with its trans agenda has gone under the radar of major media.

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